Monday, August 27, 2007

Sometimes I Don't Believe My Eyes.

Yukiko, I'm such a copycat. I'm going to admit it now, before I write the rest of my post. I know that once you get to checking out our blog, you'll go, "HAA! Copycat!"

Though, technically this isn't copying...
It's not like I'll be posting the same video all over again. Nah, instead I'm posting another video that nearly made my eyes pop out.

I've found one of the most entertaining videos on YouTube. Maybe it's the most entertaining on the site, actually. It depends really if your sense of humour is the same as mine. I've showed this clip to at least ten people and only one didn't find it funny. She didn't understand it.

So, here it is:

My first reaction when I saw this was, "What is he doing...? Duuuude....Nooooooo...!!"

Then I started to laugh. Really loudly. It was a good thing that I wasn't drinking or eating anything... >_>

And after that I replayed it five times. Actually, I think I replayed it even more. Never in my life have I seen someone run at a wall and jump. At 00:03 it looks like he'll actually stick too... Which he evidently didn't as he fell against the floor with a 'bonk'.

Props to the guy who ran against the wall. I wouldn't be able to do that. Not even if I was paid for, unless the wall and the floor would be cushioned...

Okay, I admit. Maybe I would do that if I'd be awarded with 10 litres of ice cream.

... Yes, I'm aware that ice cream doesn't help for bruises. But, I really do love it. The ice cream, that is. Not the bruises.

... ... And only during summer. I don't want to eat any ice cream during winter. Why bother, when it's already cold enough without it?

Anyways, that's all for now. I don't have anything else to say at the moment. ^_^

1 comment:

Cipher said...

You're cool. You should blog more.